They're Called Victory Points -- Table Talk (and friends)

Table Talk Episode 008: The Klaus Teuber Spectacular!

Sean J. Season 1 Episode 8

It took us a while to get our meeply asses in gear, but we (Alice, Bailey, David, Taylor, and Victoria) finally managed to get together in one (virtual) place and pay tribute to Klaus Teuber, designer of CATAN (originally The Settlers of Catan) and one of modern Eurogaming’s OG’s.

After starting off with the usual “what we’ve been playing”, we share our earliest memories of CATAN and other Teuber favorites, discuss CATAN’s role as a gateway game and whether it’s still the gateway game, whether it still stands up design-wise today, and end off by comparing our favorite CATAN variants.

On the way we also talk about the following games:

Ticket to Ride

Hoplomachus: Victorum



CATAN Histories: Struggle For Rome

Settlers of the Stone Age

CATAN Histories: Settlers of America: Trails to Rails

Fairy Trails

Wacky Wacky West

Machi Koro

Space Base

Read our latest musings on Tabletop games and culture at

The Game Changers podcast on Klaus Teuber and the history of CATAN can be found on iTunes and Spotify.

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